Thursday 16 August 2007

conviction ecumenism

An evangelical friend from the pastoral du Pays de Gex - the ministers and church leaders meeting in my small part of France which brings together Reformed, Adventists, Mennonites, Evanglicals and charismatic Protestant churches wrote this to me after reading various parts of the blog.
"My 'directeur de thèse' always mocked 'consensual ecumenism' (which he described as 'pipi de chat'!). Toulouse sounds like a positive first step in 'conviction ecumenism'. Bravo!"

On reading his comments I wondered whether I shouldn't revisit the translation into English I've devised of Bishop Wolfgang Huber's "Okumene der Profile" - which I have tried so far to render as profile based ecumenism (as opposed to consensus ecumenism) but maybe conviction ecumenism would also work, though I'm not quite sure it has exactly the same sense. Anyway these are translation late in the day musings - I'm just a convinced ecumenist I suppose.

And while we're on the subject, your thoughts on the difference between ecumenicalist and ecumenist, or between ecumenism and ecumenicalism will be gratefully received. We speak of little else in the WCC communication department in our spare moments. I'm not even going to think about how to translate that difference into other languages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To see more about Bishop Huber's "profile ecumenism" follow this link: