Wednesday 15 August 2007

Quite a lot of interest being generated

Well here is a frivolous photo I took outside a toyshop in Toulouse. I couldn't resist, the rainbow is probably my favourite biblical image - speaking of covenant and promise, sunshine and rain, seedtime and harvest, diversity and filling the heavens, beauty and colour - and to cap it all this one could even be driven by the wind of the spirit. Perhaps Tony Richie is right and we'll all end up Pentecostals in the end!

The pretty picture goes with some rather more prosaic links to articles on the meeting showing that interest has been generated by the discussions - and in more than one language which is always a good thing. One thing for a linguist to reflect on of course is that the magnificent rainbow of promise is followed in Genesis by the story of the tower of Babel, humans trying to emulate and even be God in part because they all spoke the same language. Promoters of a single world language take note! :-)

Associated Press

New York Times

Washington Post

International Herald Tribune

Univsion (in Spanish)

AFP (in French)


Church Executive Magazine

APIC from ENI (in French)

BlogDei (in French)

ALC (in Spanish)

MS Noticias (in Portugese)

and many others

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